Dental Blog

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

How Decay Can Take Your Health Away

Contributed by DentalROI

Tooth Decay

What is tooth decay, anyway? Simply put, it's cavities.

How are cavities created? By the bacteria in your mouth... everyone has bacteria in their mouth to some degree. As icky as that may sound, it’s true. And if your mouth is not regularly cleaned, those bacteria go to work making plaque. Then the plaque gets together with sugars and starches that you eat, and together they conjure up acid.

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It's OK to Be Needy and We Need You

Contributed by DentalROI

Thank you

Where would we be without our patients? A dentist without patients is astronomer without stars, a sculptor without clay, a sailor without a ship, a florist without get the idea. We need you as much as you need us.

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Do whitening products actually whiten your teeth?

Contributed by DentalROI

Teeth Whitening Products

There is no doubt that fierce competition exists within teeth whitening products. But which one is best, and do they even work?

Every consumer having pursued the quest for "pearly whites" has grappled with this question. Which product is the best? Is it worth the money? Below are some interesting facts for you to think about:

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Welcome to our dental blog!

Contributed by DentalROI

We're excited to have you.  Check back here often to get the last tips and tricks to maintaining your optimal oral health.

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