Dental Blog

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

Getting Clear About Your Smile

Contributed by DentalROI

Straighten Smile

Flashy metal grins fill the pages of most high school yearbooks, a rite of passage for many teenagers. Not long ago, misaligned teeth left you with two options: live with them or wire up. But today you'll find new stealth ways to straighten out your smile And that means a confident new look lies within reach of everyone, regardless of age.

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What’s A Smile Worth?

Contributed by DentalROI

Healthy Smile

Imagine this classic American scene: a well-kept house with a white picket fence. The fence sits perfectly straight and brilliantly painted, not a board out of place. That fence greets everyone who pulls up, making a first impression that's not always consciously noted.

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Share the Gift of a Bright White Smile

Contributed by DentalROI

Gift of a Bright White Smile

We are thankful for you, our valued customer, all year long, of course. But in this season of gratitude and giving, we want to be sure we share with you our feelings of appreciation. Like any healthy relationship, we want to say it, not just think it. We hope we can continue to make you as happy as you make us and maintain our connection for many visits to come.

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Are We Missing Each Other?

Contributed by DentalROI

Preventive Dentistry

As the days of another year accelerate forward, we're all aware that time isn't slowing down. The demands of modern life push and pull on us from every angle. Deadlines at work and headlines at home, with a little personal time squeezed in along the way, write the story of our lives. The never-ending list of responsibilities and activities jostle for attention from a limited number of hours in the day.

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Dental Sedation Making Treatment Possible

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Sedation

If you're anxious before dental treatment, you're keeping very good company.

In fact, studies show that 3 out of 4 people feel anxiety prior to a visit to the dentist. But it may be more than that for you. Up to 15% of the population is terrified of dental care, and avoid treatment completely. Some people will endure significant amounts of pain and suffering rather than step into a dental office. Logic says that ultimately that leads to more anguish, but fear often sidesteps logic. That's why it's critical to find a dental home that provides clear strategies to help you receive the care you need.

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Conquering Dental Fear

Contributed by DentalROI

Conquer Dental Fear

Sometimes we know what we need to do...but it’s just plain hard. The roadblocks to positive action could be shortages of time, money, or motivation. Or it may be anxiety or fear creating a tight leash that holds us back when nothing else really stands in the way. While fear is a protective mechanism, it's also an anchor at times that keeps us from doing what we need to do. Dental fear often stems from legitimate causes, but those cases don't have to define your future dental experiences. At our practice, we understand most patients step through the doors with a little anxiety, some with a lot. And finding ways to ease away those feelings is a top priority to everyone on the team.

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Dental Fear...Where Does It Come From?

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Fear

Fear. Ingrained in our DNA there's a protective mechanism that helps us avoid danger. It's essential to the survival of the human race. Our ancient relatives wouldn't be part of our family tree if they hadn't operated with a solid dose of fear. But sometimes fear keeps us from healthy dental care. Rational or not, nearly 40 million Americans avoid dental care on a regular basis due to extreme anxiety. Understanding the causes behind an often paralyzing emotion is the first step to overcoming this obstacle to better health.

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Your Dental Implant Procedure

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Implant Procedure

Not many years ago, losing a tooth left you with only a few options. Today, dental implants often give you the best opportunity to enjoy normal chewing and an intact smile. After you and your doctor carefully chart a clear course, a few questions usually come to mind. Of course, you realize the benefits...especially knowing you’re choosing a solution that will serve you every day for years to come. But you might be wondering about the short-term section of the journey: For example, what is the dental implant procedure like?

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Do you have dental insurance benefits?

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Insurance Benefits

If so, it may be a good time to use them.

Most insurance plans expire December 31, 2015, and our schedule is already filling up! While dental "insurance" features different limitations and benefits depending on the plan, they nearly all share one feature: Unused benefits expire at the end of the year. Most plans pay a maximum amount annually, a figure that hasn't changed much in many years. When the calendar shows a new year, these dollars are simply lost.

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Dental Implants: A Solid Choice

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Implants

We’re fortunate to live in the age of modern healthcare, full of advancements and new options. But sometimes more also means more questions, more confusion. When it comes to replacing missing teeth, you’ll find the array of options has grown significantly. But with the right guidance, finding the solution that’s best for you isn’t difficult. Dental implants open the door to solving many challenges in a way that provides a lifetime of benefits. Our team can help you put the pieces back together, and will consider numerous factors in our discussions with you.

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